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Half an hour was enought

.Tags: wtf, national politics, ireland, news3927 points, 352 reviews....

Hahaha, still, why is it that 9gag is certainly not called off?

.Tags: politic, hilarious, vicious, humor, politics3843 aspects, 497 opinions....

Even at 84 years old, Chuck Norris keeping the meme active

.Tags: wholesome1733 aspects, 133 opinions....

Never wiped out a nation two times?

.Tags: fingers, Japan5965 aspects, 857 opinions....

It received deleted, listed below once again

.Tags: berlin1922 aspects, 213 opinions....

'Oh my The lord 'certainly. That array coach keeps really calm.

.Tags: Lack of, Situational awareness1150 points, 161 remarks....

All natural

.Tags: soap, wit, damn3403 points, 197 reviews....

Based Latvia?

.Tags: wtf, comical, random, humor, wholesome4482 points, 243 opinions....

It's no wonder why folks of the past imitated Venice was a globe miracle. They were actually currently staying in the future!

.Tags: damn thats exciting, appealing as screw, remarkable, astounded, satisfying12127 purposes, 267...